All Files

This page displays the files from media library. Browse through this page to see the restrictions applied for each of the files and then login using any particular user to verify the restrictions. Login credentials are given beside each file and also on login page.


This is an image file with no restrictions. Any not logged in or not logged in users will be able to access this file.


This is an image file. Its only visible to users with contributor role. login with contributor username and contributor password to see this file.


This is an image file. Its only visible to a single user subscriber. login with subscriber username and subscriber password to see this file.

This is a zipped file, protected using file type restriction menu. Its only accessible to users with author role. login with admin username and admin password to see this file.

Click here to download the zip file


This is a pdf file displayed using PDF Viewer for WordPress, Its visible to any logged in users, regardless of what role or username they are logged in with. login as any user to see this in action.

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This is a pdf file displayed using PDF Viewer for WordPress, Its visible to users with author or contributor role, login with username admin , password: admin or username: contributor , password: contributor to view this file.

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This is a pdf file displayed using PDF Viewer for WordPress, Its visible to everyone. There are no restrictions applied to it.

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PDF’s are displayed using PDF Viewer for WordPress